Cathy Valencia Skin Clinic

We all want to have a youthful, radiant skin and body. Because of so many beauty products and beauty clinics now, we are not sure what to use and where to go. Worry no more! Cathy Valencia Advanced Skin Clinic is the answer!

I went to the blessing of their Makati branch and as I entered the place it feels so peaceful and relaxing. I have met Cathy Valencia and her staff, all are friendly and accommodating. 

For your skin problems like Pigmentation Melasma, Acne Scars, Acne Vulgaris, Open pores & Puck marks, Sagging skin, Premature Aging/Wrinkles, Age Spoets and Sun Spots, they have products and services that can help you with any of your skin problems.

For Services

CV Facial
CV Microdermabrassion Peels
CV Signature Whitening Peels
CV Body Treatment for Slimming & Clarity
CV Laser Treatment
CV Drips / Injection
CV Microneedling Treatment
CV Face Contouring Anti-Aging Treatment
Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

We had a chance to have a small talk with Ms. Valencia to know more about their products and services.

How many clinics do you have?
"We have 7 branches here & 1 in Tokyo, then we also have Cedrix Slimming and Wellness. All in all, we have 10 clinics. 

Are you based in this clinic?
No, I go around my branches as well as my doctors, they have clinic schedule. I go around when a patient wants to see me, that's the time I go here.

What are the services usually offered in this branch?
We're known for whitening. We're known for skin care, that's why I changed the name to Advanced Skin Care Clinic. We're really more on skin, taking care of the skin, anti-aging, but more of our specialty which is skin whitening.

(left to right -- Sheena Halili, Kathy Valencia, & Sheree)

Cathy Valencia Advanced Skin Clinic is one of the most trusted skin and aesthetic clinics in the country. It was founded by Ms. Cathy Valencia-Lim, a duly certified skin expert with a degree in Atopic Dermatitis and Acne Management in Izumo Hospital in Shimane-Ken, Japan, plus extensive training in Beautiful Earth Skin Products under Dr. Tetsuo Santo of Beautiful Earth USA Incorporated.

Sheena Halili and Sheree are both new partners. The long time partners are Vina Morales, James Yap, Sunshine Cruz, Angel Locsin. Before we have Denise Laurel. Erich Gonzales is also a long time partner, but she still promotes me or endorses me. 

What can your clients expect?
More new products. I want non-invasive, I want natural enhancements. So, I'm focusing on making new products, for anti-aging and also for skin whitening. Something that are really effective and safe and of high quality. So, our main focus is really the products. I'm known for it. Most of our patients and endorsers really like my products.

Do you any plans of merchandising?
Yes, I do. The name would be Valencia Effects. It's mid-range. It is affordable, can still be bought by low-end or high-end range. Some are affordable, but has no effect. I don't want to compromise the quality of my product, that's why I tap mid-range but will still be affordable. Hopefully this year.

You really heavy on emphasis in using natural?
As much as possible I want it really natural, but of course if you're like 70 that's the time also offer botox & fillers. We also offer V lift, anti-aging laser. 

As much as possible during the early 30s or 20s, you need to put sunscreen. You need to put on some products that will delay the aging process.

Is it true that we need to put sunblock even at night?
Not really. But when you go out at night, you have to, because sometimes there's still UV in the lights.

What is the most simple, but best skin care advise that you can give?
Staying healthy. What you eat is very important. Exercise, stay away from the sun and use the best products. The quality products that will really help your skin. Even if you stay healthy, if you're acne prone & you're not taking care of yourself, you're not putting the right products, there's no effect.

Do you have plans of making facial masks or facial sheets?
Oh yes, I want that. You know why, when I put make-up I put that. Because, it moisturize fast. The reason why we don't have that here, we don't have that paper here. We have the ingredients, we have the raw materials, but we don't have the paper here. But we have the facial mask that dries up.

When did you start with this business?
14 years. The first branch is in Medical Plaza. My main office is in White Plains. 


For now, I am going to try using the Cathy Valencia Papaya Soap and Whitening Cream. Both products can also be used to whiten underarms.

I will also try their services soon. So, watch out girls for my new beautiful, fairer skin look!


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