Know Whats Best for your Child, CHECK THE LABEL
Manila, Philippines - On July 28, 2016, Nido 3+ launched an educational campaign to fortify mothers to read and have more knowledge about food labels for a more brilliant and healthier choices for their child. It is of great importance to double-check nutritional contents, compare brands, and choose the best.
I was never conscious about labels until I became a mom, and I agree that mothers know best. Of course we are not perfect and we still get advises and tips from other moms and experts. Parenting is one big responsibility and I take it seriously with care. There are times that we still need help and advise from others because we are not sure about so many things that we hear about being a mom. I am a mom of five and I still seek help from my mom and friends. During the launch, I have learned new information about what our child needs, what they eat and what to feed them.
Dr. Celeste Gomez, M.D., guest Pediatrician and Diplomate of the Philippine Pediatric Society gave us more info about PROBIOTICS and PREBIOTICS.
- Probiotics are LIVE microorganisms that PROMOTE LIFE of other microorganisms which are BENEFICIAL to our health and well being.
- Helps reduce inflammation in the gut
- Helps stimulate the immune system
- Helps produce substrates such as vitamins for host growth
- Helps influence gut barrier function
- pickles, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, tempeh, and kefir.
- Non-digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the person by selctively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or limited number of bacterial species already resident in the colon.
The first 1,000 days of a child is critical for LONG TERM immune system development. Feed your good bacteria with PREBIOTICS.
"Bacterial colonization patterns set up in infancy continue to prevail throughout our entire lifetime - and FOOD and DRUGS to which we expose our children dramatically affect this delicate balance," said Dr. Elizabeth Lipski (author of Digestive Wellness for Children)
Ditas Sagarbarria. Nutrition Adviser For Nestle Infant Nutrition, taught us how to properly read labels and presented the point of how each ingredients are listed in each product. The first ingredient that you see in the list has the more content in the product. Same serving size, yet different in nutritional value. She also reminded to always check the expiration date.
- To choose food with more nutritional value
- To make healthy choices
- To help limit daily intake of sugar, salt, fat, and cholesterol
Trans fats or Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs) are created by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid. Trans Fat intake should only be less than 2 grams a day. Limit the salt intake to not more than 5 grams (1 teaspoon) per person a day. Sugar shouldn't be more than 10% of total energy intake.
Foods with Partially Hydrogenated Oils:
- baked goods like pastries, pie crusts, biscuits, pizza dough, cookies, crackers
- Chips
- Margarines and shortenings
- French fries and doughnuts
- Savory snacks
Sarah Lahbati, a first time mom, is a proud NIDO 3+ mommy, lending her voice and support to Check the Label campaign. She also experienced the same challenge in choosing the right milk for her son Zion when he turned three. Sarah did her research and check the labels to see more options, and by checking the label, she is assured that she made the right choice with NIDO 3+.
We, moms, have our options to see what is best for our babies. I'm sure that each mom out there like me is looking for the best advise and ensures that we make the right decision. My advise to all moms out there to always remember to #CheckTheLabel and #CheckMuna before buying. Thank you, Nido 3+!
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