Millionaire Mind Intensive Program

Manila, Philippines -- I have attended few seminars as I have no interest and still undecided about my future. I planned and tried to start something small to make it big, and I failed. Perhaps it's the training that I need or mindset that I need to work on.

I heard about Millionaire Mind Intensive and read about it. Something tells me that this can be the key to my success. It's a 3 long whole day intensive program that might help me in changing my financial life and make a better plan, so why not try it? I went and listened, tried to absorb everything I hear and enjoy the experience.

The training is leaded by Robert Riopel. He started out as a pizza delivery boy in a franchise pizza business and wasn't satisfied. Later on he became the store manager and he didn't stop there. He became the owner of a chain of stores. He did really good, however he didn't notice that he was spending more than he was earning, and in eight years he was over $150,000 in debt. 

It is not surprising that there are some top businesses can go bankrupt because of lack of knowledge and training. Robert didn't want to let go of what he have worked for years and searched for a solution. He then came across the teachings of #1 New York Times best selling author T. Harv Eker. Robert read and applied all the things he learned from him which slowly made him pay for his $150,000 debt. Soon, he became one of T. Harver's trainers.

This means only one thing, don't give up and face your fears! I have so many fears which is a big part in my life that holds me back from starting over again. Two of my greatest fears are REJECTION and FAILURE. I hate being rejected and I hate to fail again! During this training I have learned so many things about success and failure, and how to handle them. Rejection and failure shouldn't be a hindrance to your plans and success. Take some ACTIONS! Nothing will happen if you don't work hard. Learn to analyze situations and find SOLUTION. Believe in the LAW OF ATTRACTION.

I now practice daily, acknowledging my success, listing 5 before I go to bed. Make SUCCESS a HABIT! Success is a learnable skill.

Everything I learned during this 3-day program is important, and there's one part that I most valued. It is on how to manage our money, the 6 jars of Money Management. Take note, you have to have a discipline in yourself to be able to do this and success follows.

I am sharing these 6 jars of Money Management, because I want all of us to be able to learn the value of money and discipline ourselves in order to be successful and happy.

  1. Financial Freedom Account (10%) - this is for your future, never spend it. The paln is to create a golden goose and when you retire you can spend the eggs but never loose the goose.
  2. Long Term Savings for Spending (10%)
  3. Education Account (10%) - you can use this for seminars, trainings or going back to school
  4. Necessities Account (55%) - remember to use this for what is really important and don't buy things that you don't really need.
  5. Play Account (10%) - you must spend this either monthly or quarterly.
  6. Give Account (5%) - this is for charity and it is for me a part of our life to give and share what we have or earned. If you choose to give 10%,  take the extra 5% from your Necessity Account.
Relationship with spouse is also important, because discipline and walking towards SUCCESS has to be the two of you, it's a partnership. Discuss things, discuss everything. Be open to each other to make it work. Teach your children the value of money and how to manage it. 

There's a lot in Millionaire Mind Intensive that I am practicing now and taking steps heading toward success with my family. I want you to do the same and be successful as well. It feels great to see not just my family being happy and financially free, but to  see everyone around me happy as well.  Try the Millionaire Mind Intensive training and you won't regret it, I promise!

T. Harv Eker,  #1 New York Times best selling author, also started from zero to being a millionaire in just 2 1/2 years. He has this ability into getting people to take action in the real world to produce real success.

"It's not enough to be in the right place at the right time, you must be the right person in the right place at the right time," said Eker.

At the end of our training program, each of us received a 90 DAY Wealth Conditioning Program to guide us in starting our road to SUCCESS.

  1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
  2. Speed Wealth - How to Make a Million In Your Own Business In 3 Years or Less

  1. Enlightened Warrior Training Camp - How to Access your True Power and Succeed in Spite of Anything / 5-Day Camp (For Asia & Europe only)
  2. Ultimate Leadership Certification - 5-Day Camp (For U.S., Asia & Europe only)
  3. Wizard Training Camp - The Science of manifesting What You Want / 5-Day Camp (U.S. only)
  1. The Millionaire Mind Intensive - The Secret Psychology of Wealth (2.5 or 3-Day Intensive)
  2. Mission to Millions - Discover your Personal Mission and Create a Successful Vision (3-Day Intensive)
  3. Master Your Mind... Or It Will Master You (3-Day Intensive)
  4. Guerrilla Business Intensive - How to Create Wealth Quickly in any Business you Choose (5-Day Intensive / for Asia & Europe Only)
  5. Train the Trainer - How to Earn $20,000 a Weekend, Teaching What You Love! (5-Day Intensive / for Asia & Europe only)
  6. Making The Stage (5-Day Intensive / for Asia only)
  7. Wealth & Wisdom - How to Create More Money, Love, and Happiness in Your Life (3-Day Intensive / for U.S. only)
  8. Extreme Health - How to Live Long and Strong (4-Day Intensive / for U.S. only)
  9. Master of Influence (3-Day Intensive / for U.S. only)
For event schedules, visit: 
To register, visit any SM Tickets outlets.

I have a Millionaire Mind!

Special thanks to:

Laurus Enterprises (organizer), for bring Millionaire Mind Intensive in the Philippines
Light Network, Channel 33
(Media Partner),
for enlightening us.



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